
来源:英国正版365官方网站     发布时间:2021-07-05    作者:英国正版365官方网站    点击次数:

7月1日至2日,英国正版365官方网站夏火松教授应邀为线上国际会议Financial Economics Meeting: Crisis Challenges(FEM-2021;Online conference)作专题学术报告,并作为特邀专家为Session 6学术论文报告进行了点评。

夏火松教授结合其主持的国家自科基金课题《关于研究金融科技的风险问题》初步成果,以《Cross-Influence of Information Effect and Risk Effect on the IPO Market:Exploring Risk Disclosure with a Machine Learning Approach》为题,在Session 8作了精彩的学术报告,受到了与会专家的高度评价。

This research has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC :71871172, Model of Risk knowledge acquisition and Platform governance in FinTech based on deep learning )。

据悉,该会议于北京时间7月1日至2日在法国当地举行,邀请了一批在金融风险领域的知名专家进行学术报告。如Carol Alexander,Professor of Finance at Sussex & visiting professor at Peking University HSBC Business School, China) and Co-Editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance;Prof. Steven Ongena,Professor of Finance in(University of Zurich, Switzerland), and senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute & co-editor in Economic Inquiry & International Journal of Central Banking & International Review of Finance, and the Journal of Financial services Research;Prof. Mark P. Taylor, (Mark P. Taylor is Dean of the Olin Business School at Washington University in St Louis, USA, as well as the Donald Danforth Jr Distinguished Professor of Finance at Washington University) & managing editor in Applied Economics & International Journal of Finance and Economics.

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