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Xiaogang Cao 曹晓刚(Professor)

来源:     发布时间:2023-05-29    作者:杨筝    点击次数:

Xiaogang Cao Ph.D Professor

School of Management, Wuhan Textile University 1 Textile Road, Hongshan District

Wuhan, 430073, China

Email: caoxiaogang1982@hotmail.com


2006-2009 Ph.D in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

2003-2006 Master in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

1999-2003 Bachelor in Mathematics, 1994, Department of Mathematics, Yanbei Normal Institute, Datong , Shanxi, China


Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Remanufacturing and Operations Management

Operations Management

Electronic Commerce


2016.11Present, Professor, School of Management, Wuhan Textile University

2016.9—2017.7,Visiting Scholar, School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University

2014.8-2015.8, Visiting Scholar, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, ON, Canada

2011.7-2016.10,Associate Professor, School of Management, Wuhan Textile University

2010.3-2014.12, Postdoctor, School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2009.7-2011.6, Instructor, School of Management, Wuhan Textile University

2007.9-2008.9, Visiting Student, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA

College Part-time: Member of the College Professor Committee.

Academic Part-time: Director of Hubei Institute of system Engineering, Director of

Wuhan system Engineering Society, Expert of Communication Evaluation of National

Natural Science Foundation of China, Expert of Achievements Appraisal of National

Social Science Foundation, Degree and Graduate Education Center of the Ministry of

Education ,member of Jiangxi Provincial Science and Technology Expert Pool,

Member of Hubei Province Award Expert Pool, Chinese Journal of Management

Science(in Chinese) , Control and Decision(in Chinese), Journal of System

Management(in Chinese), Operations Research and Management Science(in

Chinese), Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences(in Chinese) ,

Operations Research Transactions(in Chinese), Systems Engineering(in Chinese),

Chinese Journal of Management(in Chinese), Kybernetes, Computers & Industrial

Engineering, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal

of Remanufacturing, Mathematical Problems in Engineering.


1. Managing Procurement and Production Outsourcing under Dynamic Prices. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2013, 29 (1) :135-142 . With Chao Yang, Hui Wen, Huosong Xia and Jizi Li. (SCI)

2. Disruption Management of the Total Loss before Completion in Single Machine Scheduling. Acta Mathematica Sinica (Series A), 2009(4):240-248. With Hui Wen and Chongchao Huang. (in Chinese)

3. Production-Inventory Control under Fluctuating Prices. Control and Decision, 2010(5), 730-734. With Hui Wen and Huosong Xia. (in Chinese) (EI)

4. The Assessment of Project Manager Based on Genetic Algorithm. Operations Research and Management Science. 2005 (4): 120-124. With Shounan Zhong and Hui Wen. (in Chinese)

5. Genetic algorithm for multimodal function and its application. Journal of Mathematics, 2007 (6) : 56-60. With Aihua Zhang and Shounan Zhong. (in Chinese)

6. Optimization and Coordination of the Buyback Policy of the Supply Chain Based on CVaR. Journal of Systems Engineering, 2013(4):211-217. With Hui Wen and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

7. The Network Equilibrium Model of Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Risk Action. Operations Research and Management Science, 2014 (2):89-98. With Benrong Zheng and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

8. Dynamic Pricing Model of Perishable Products under Price-dependent Demand. Control Engineering of China, 2013(5):821-824. With Hui Wen and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

9. Study of Bank Mortgage Rate of Different Risk Preference: Scenario of Supply Chain Fnancing Credit. Study on Financial Supervision, 2012(7): 40-59. With Chunling Liu and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

10. Research on Supply Chain of Multinational Layout Allocation of Enterprise Ownership Based on Benders Algorithm. Operations Research and Management Science, 2012(5): 41-49. With Chunling Liu, Jun Guo and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

11. Supply Chain Credit Option Purchase under Industrial Cluster and Delayed Payment Policy. Industrial Engineering and Management, 2012,17(6): 42-49. With Chunling Liu, Weichun Xiao and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

12. Multiple Chain Inventory Optimization Model Based on the Convex Polyhedron Switching Delay. Control Engineering of China, Forthcoming. With Chunling Liu and Chunhui Huang. (in Chinese)

13. Across Chain Cloud Purchase Decision Model and Algorithm of Cluster Supply Chain under Finite Sum of Contract. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, 2013(6), 1170-1175, With Chunling Liu, Jizi Li, Shihua Ma and Linfu Sun. (in Chinese)

14. A Method of Solving theGlobal Optimal Solution of Bilevel Programming. Journal of Mathematics,2013(5):941-945, With Yue Zheng and Guoliang Lei. (in Chinese)

15. Modeling of Across-Chain Network Dynamic Competition for MNC in Industrial Cluster. International Journal of Advanced Pervasive Ubiquitous Computing, 2011, 3 (4): 30-49. With Chunling Liu, Jizi Li and Guo Li.

16. Pricing and Coordination Decision of the Closed-loop Supply Chain with Patent Protection under Mixed Demand, Chinese Journal of Management Science,2014,22(10):106-112, With Hui Wen, Benrong Zheng and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

17. The Credit Option Procurement Model and Postponement Payment Analysis under Industrial Cluster. Chinese Journal of Management Science,2014,22(8): 72-79, With Chunling Liu,Weichun Xiao and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

18. The Network Equilibrium Analysis of the Closed-loop Supply Chain with Risk-averse Retailer. Control and Decision,2014(4):659-665, With Benrong Zheng, Huosong Xia and Hui Wen. (in Chinese)

19. The Closed-loop Supply Chain Coordination Decision under Fuzzy Demand and Asymmetric Information. Operations Research and Management Science,2014 , 23(5):27-34, With Benrong Zheng, Hui Wen and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

20. Analysis of Financing Model Based on Supply Chain with Risk Factor. Review of Investment Studies, 2013(5):17-27. With Chunling Liu, Weichun Xiao and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

21. Pricing Strategy of Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Patent Protection under the Structure of Retailer Price Leadership. Operations Research and Management Science, 2017,26(8): 109—114. With Hui Wen, Jianping Tao and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

22. Research on the joint decision of production and pricing of Remanufacturing System Based on DFD. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Engineering. 2016, 30(1):117-123. (in Chinese)

23. Pricing and Coordination of Dual Channel Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Customer Preference. Chinese Journal of Management Science,2015,23(6):107-117. With Benrong Zheng and Hui Wen. (in Chinese)

24. Managing Pricing of Closed-loop Supply Chain under Patent Protection. Journal of Systems Science and Information.2015,3(1):1-11. With Leqi Hua, Hui Wen, and Yan Wu.

25. Pricing Strategy of Closed-loop Supply Chain with Patent Protection under Retailer Price Leadership Structure. Operations Research and Management Science, 2017,26(8):109-114. With Hui Wen, Jianping Tao and Jizi Li. (in Chinese)

26. Managing New and Remanufactured Products with Remanufacturing Degree under Patent Protection. Kybernetes, 2019, 49(3): 707-731.. (SCI). With Xianjia Wang and Hui Wen.

27. Differential Pricing Decision and Coordination Strategy in Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Fairness Concerns. 2019,39(9):2300-2314. (EI). With Mei Huang and Hui Wen.

28. Decision-making of Closed-loop Supply Chain Strategic Alliance Considering the Quality Level of Remanufactured Products and Patent Protection. Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 37(5): 2050021.https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217595920500219. (SCI). With Hui Wu, Hui Wen and Kebing Chen.

29. Coordination Strategy of the Supply Chain with Consumer Preferences under the “Presale and Spot-sale” Mode. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol.2020, Article ID 5796018,15 pages, 2020. (SCI) . With Hui Wu, Hui Wen and Kebing Chen.

30. Managing two-echelon remanufacturing under patent protection. Journal of Systems and Information, 2020, 8(6): 565-577. With Hui Wen.

31. Closed-loop supply chain recovery and coordination strategy for manufacturing cost perturbation. Operations Research and Management Science, 2022,31(7): 79-85. With Mei Huang and Hui Wen (in Chinese)

32. Closed-loop supply chain emergency response and coordination decision-making considering the perturbation of advertising effect. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2022, 25(3): 107-126. With Hui Wu and Hui Wen.(in Chinese)

33. Optimal decisions in a closed-loop supply chain: fairness concerns, corporate social responsibility and information value. Annals of Operations Research, 2022,309(1), 277–304. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04456-8SCI. With Qi Wang, Kebing Chen and Shengbin Wang.

34. Pricing and recycling decisions of remanufacturing alliances with third-party recycling platform. Annals of Operations Research. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-05003-9SCI. With Pengju Yuan, Hui Wen, Cuiwei Zhang and Kai Huang.

35. Pricing decisions of two-echelon remanufacturing supply chain with remanufacturer’s fairness concerns. Journal of Remanufacturing, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13243-022-00112-x.(Springer NatureEBSCO, INSPEC). With Hui Wen and Cuiwei Zhang.

36. Transfusions or hematopoiesis? How government subsidies and extended warranties feed decision-making about low-quality recycled used products in closed-loop supply chains. Kybernetes, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1108/K-10-2021-1054SCI. With Yuan Li, Kai Huang and Hui Wen.

37. The pricing strategies under the online platform selling mode with information sharing.Kybernetes, 2022, DOI: 10.1108/K-06-2022-0848. (SCI) With Jing Yuan, Hui Wen and Cuiwei Zhang.

38. The production and pricing strategy of two-echelon remanufacturing supply chain with government subsidy under patent protection. Modern Supply Chain Research and Applications, 2023,DOI:10.1108/MSCRA-10-2022-0026. (ESCI) With Hui Wen and Bowei Cao.


1. Cao Xiaogang. Closed-loop supply chain pricing, coordination and network equilibrium decision in an uncertain environment. Beijing: Science Press (National First-class Press), 2017.3. ISBN 978-7-03-051987-0.(in Chinese)

2. Cao Xiaogang, Wen Hui. Research on closed-loop supply chain equilibrium decision optimization under patent protection. Beijing: Science Press (National First-class Press), 2022.2. ISBN 978-7-03-070345-3.(in Chinese)


1. National Natural Science Foundation of China(71301126) : Network Equilibrium Decision and Coordination under Social Responsibility Constraint. January2014—December 2016, RMB 190,000, PI (Post-evaluation is excellent)

2. The Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Ministry of Education in China(11YJC630011): The study of Dynamic Integration Policy of the Supply Chain under Stochastically Fluctuating Raw Material Prices, September 2011—August 2014, RMB 70,000, PI

3. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2012M511215): Closed-loop Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Analysis with Risk-averse Behavior under Stochastic Demand, January 2012—August 2013, RMB 50,000, PI

4. Hubei Province Technology Innovation Soft Science Research Project (2018ADC057): Two-level Research on Remanufacturing supply chain decision and Coordination under Government subsidy, May 2018—May 2019, RMB 30,000, PI

5. Hubei University Humanities and Social Sciences key Research Base-Enterprise decision support Research Center key Project (DSS20180603): Two-tier Remanufacturing Supply Chain Decision and Coordination Research under Patent Protection, July 2018—July 2019, RMB 10,000, PI

6. Major Project of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research in Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province (Provincial Social Science Fund Prophase Funded Project) (19ZD036): Research on Product Design and Operation Strategy of Two-level Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain under Patent Protection, Sep 2019—Sep 2022, RMB 50,000, PI

7. Hubei Province University Humanities and Social Sciences Key Research Base-Enterprise Decision Support Research Center Funded Project (DSS20200701): Emergency Recovery and Coordination Decision Optimization Research under the Environment of Public Emergency Disturbance, Sep 2020—Sep 2021, RMB 10,000, PI

8. Key Project of Philosophy and Social Science Research of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (20D056): Research on the closed-loop design and operation strategy of closed-loop supply chain products based on consumer choice preference, Sep 2021—Sep 2023, RMB 30,000, PI


1. The Science and Technology Progress Prize ofChinaTextile Industry Association Rank Two: Research on Xianning Ramie Textile Industry Cluster Supply Chain Coupling Based on Ecological Industrial Park ( R9 ), 2012

2. The Outstanding Teaching Achievement Prize of Universities in Hubei Province Rank Two: The Personnel Cultivation Mode of the Integration of Undergraduate Majors of Management and IT in Local Universities from the Perspective of Knowledge Management (R5), 2013

3. Wuhan (15th) Third Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences: Pricing and Coordination of Dual Channel Closed-loop Supply Chain considering Customer Preference (R1), 2017

4. Hubei province (11th) Third Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences: Pricing and Coordination Decision of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Based on Consumer Choice Preference (R1), 2018

5. The Second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement in Hubei province: Ten Years Exploration and Practice of "split" Talent Training Model of Management Major in Colleges and Universities (R5), 2018

6. Wuhan (16th) Third Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences: Closed-loop Supply Chain Pricing, Coordination and Network Equilibrium Decision-making in Uncertain Environment (monograph) (R1), 2018

7. The second Prize of Excellent Teaching Achievement in Hubei Province: Ten Years' Exploration and Practice on the Talent Training Model of Silit in Management Specialty of Colleges and Universities in Hubei Province (R5), 2018.

8. “Textile Light” 2021 Textile Higher Education Teaching Achievements of China Textile Industry Federation: Reform and practice of modern logistics talent training system based on interdisciplinary integration of disciplines under the background of strategic emerging industries (R1), 2021.11

9. Wuhan City (18 th) Social Science Outstanding Achievement Nomination Award: Decision Research on Closed-loop Supply Chain Equilibrium under Patent Protection (R1), 2022.12

10. Outstanding Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science Research in Hubei Province (20CG076): Closed-loop supply chain pricing, coordination and network balance decision in an uncertain environment (monograph) (R1), 2021.5

11. “Textile Light” The second prize of China Textile Higher Education Teaching Achievement in 2021: Exploration and practice of industry-university-research School-running mode under the guidance of market demand- -Taking logistics management as an example (R3), 2021.11

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