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Qihuang Mei 梅启煌 (Teacher)

来源:     发布时间:2024-01-16    作者:井浩    点击次数:

Email: qhmei@wtu.edu.cn

Research Interests:

Supply chain and logistics management

On-demand logistics

Scheduling optimization

Personal Profile:

Dr Mei is a lecturer at the School of Management, Wuhan Textile University. He received his PhD  from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in Management Science and Engineering. He Has published multiple articles in journals both domestically and internationally, including IJPE, China Management Science, Operations Research and Management Science, and Industrial Engineering and Management. Has received the second prize for Outstanding Achievements in Social Sciences in the 13th Hubei Province, and the third prize for Excellent Papers in the 19th China Logistics Society. As a core member, he has participated in one key project of the National Natural Science Foundation and several general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education, and also conducted research cooperation with companies such as Yiyao.com, Huawei, and Zhuozhi Group.

Published paper

Qihuang Mei, Jianbin Li, Evrim Ursavas, Stuart X. Zhu, Xiaomeng Luo*. Freight transportation planning in platform service supply chain considering carbon emissions[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2021, 240: 108241. (SSCI, FMS B)

Journal reviewer

《International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics》

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