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Zhiying Tao 陶智颖 (Teacher)

来源:     发布时间:2024-01-16    作者:井浩    点击次数:

Name: Zhiying Tao

Email: zytao@wtu.edu.cn


Doctor, Management Science and Engineering:

School of Management, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, 2020-2023

School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, 2017-2019

Master, Management Science and Engineering

School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, 2014-2017

Bachelor, Optical Information and Science,

School of Science, Wuhan Intitute of Technology, 2009-2013


1. Tao, Z., Gou,Q.* ., Zhang, J. A local seller’s app channel strategy concerning delivery[J]. International Journal of Production Research. 2020, 58(1): 220-255.

2. Wang, X., Tao, Z., Liang, L., Gou, Q.* . An analysis of salary mechanisms in the sharing economy: The interaction between streamers and unions[J]. International Journal of Production Economics. 2019, 214: 106-124.

3. Zhang, Z.* , Tao, Z.. Push and pull contracts in a supply chain selling two products with different lead times[J]. (Journal of Modelling in Management). 2018, 13(4): 1007-1024.

4. 李建斌, 郭培强, 陶智颖 * . 双边收益共享与两部收费契约下的全渠道协调策略 [J]. 系统工程理论与实践 ,2021, 41(11):2887-2091.

5. 李建斌,谢闻,成蔚, 陶智颖 * . 考虑供应商保留储备金的供应链融资策略 [J].管理学报 ,2022, 19(4):9.

6. Li, J., Qi, X., Tao, Z.* , Yang, J.. Trading of carbon emission permits: Revisit from the perspective of cooperative game theory[J]. (Submitted to NRL)

7. Tao, Z., Li, J., Liu, Z.8. The trade-in program considering CER in product’s retirement stage under carbon tax regulation[J]. (Submitted to AOR)

8. Tao, Z., Li,J., Zhang,J., Wang,Z.. The R&D strategy of vehicle manufacturers considering CSR and technology uncertainty under dual credit policy[J].

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